My Whip Has Broken At The Fall End - Can It Be Fixed?
My Whip Has Broken At The Fall End - Can It Be Fixed?
If you send your broken whip to us, The Whip Shed will do a Fall Replacement repair for $35.00 including post & pack to return your whip to you.
The end of the whip where the Fall attaches at the Fall Knot is the spot where a lot of energy is being transferred from the heavier Thong to the much lighter Fall and so is the most common point of failure.
The usual problems here are:
- Fall breaks after the knot.
- One or more of the Thong strands break before the knot.
- Fall knot comes loose (unusual).
Providing the leather in the strands is still in good condition, The
Whip Shed can rectify all of these problems by remaking the end of the
whip and attaching a new Fall and Cracker.
In the case of the broken Thong strands, the whip will lose 3 or 4 inches of length with a new Fall knot being made.
Order repair from the Whip Shed Online Store
Please Contact for more details.